“Ascribe to the Lord the honor due His name; bring offerings and come into His courts.” —Psalm 96:8

Stewardship is about loving God with heart, soul, and mind and loving our neighbor as ourselves. It is about who we are (self), whom we love (neighbor), and who loves us (God).  It is in the context of a loving relationship that we as people of faith prayerfully reflect on how we direct our time, our talent, and our treasure.

What is an estimate of giving?

  • A personal commitment to give an amount of money to the church in the coming year.

  • An expression of gratitude to God for all that God has given us.

When we give a portion of our income to the work of the church, we share out of our abundance to support the work of building God's Kingdom. It is neither simply a charitable donation nor a bill from the church. Estimates of giving allow the Vestry to create a more accurate budget because we know better what our income from members will be.

Since we cannot always predict our finances, and because life situations can change, estimates of giving may be adjusted during the year (preferably with notice to the treasurer or vestry), with no need to explain why you need the change.

The Vestry is committed to a budget that reflects good stewardship of our resources.

How much should I give?

Every gift is important regardless of the amount. Gifts of treasure (money) are usually based on giving the church a percentage of your earnings; some members strive for the traditional Biblical tithe of 10%, but your proportional giving is based on your own unique circumstances, and should be prayerfully considered.

What does it mean to tithe?

The tithe is the Biblical standard of giving set by Jacob. As Episcopalians, many of us work toward giving the traditional Biblical tithe of 10% (or more) of our earthly treasure (money). For some of us, increasing our gifts in incremental annual steps is a responsible way to work toward the goal. But we can all approach our decision prayerfully and faithfully, and in appreciation of the many blessings of our lives.

"Of all that you give me I will surely give one tenth to you." Gen 28:22